Fishing times for:

Santa Cruz de Tenerife 🇪🇸

Timezone: Atlantic/Canary
Local Time: Sun, 23 Feb 22:12
Coordinates: 28.468 ,-16.255
Sun and Moon
The sun will be at it's highest point at 01:18 pm. Today we have 11:28 hours of daylight. For shallow water fishing the twilight periods are often the most productive fishing times, especially on days when a major or minor time will coincide with twilight. In low light conditions predators have better cover for their ambush and often hunt in shallow water.
  • Nautical Twilight begins:
    06:44 am
    07:34 am
  • Sunset:
    07:02 pm
    Nautical Twilight ends:
    07:52 pm
  • Moonrise:
    04:13 am
  • Moonset:
    02:18 pm
  • Moon over:
    09:15 am
  • Moon under:
    09:42 pm
  • Visibility:
  • Waning Crescent Waning Crescent
Next New Moon in 4.1070135919329 days on 28th February
  • Distance to earth:
    390,445 km
    35.8 %
We can compare the current moon distance to it's minimum and maximum distance from earth and express that as proximity. A high proximity means the moon is closer to earth. At 50% it would be at it's mean distance. A high proximity causes big tides, currents and has a direct effect on increased bite times. A proximity greater than 90% indicates a super moon.
Moon Phases for Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Last Quarter: Thu, 20 Feb - 05:34 pm
New Moon: Fri, 28 Feb - 12:46 am
Full Moon: Fri, 14 Mar - 06:55 am
Solunar Clock
Display Settings:
  • good Day
12 1 2 3 4 5 AM 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Best fishing times:
  • minor Time:
    03:13 am - 05:13 am
  • major Time:
    08:15 am - 10:15 am
  • minor Time:
    01:18 pm - 03:18 pm
  • major Time:
    08:42 pm - 10:42 pm

All times are displayed in the Atlantic/Canary timezone and are automatically adjusted to daylight savings. The current timezone offset is 0 hours. Green and yellow areas indicate the best fishing times (major and minor). The center shows the current moon phase which is a Waning Crescent at 24% lumination. According to the Solunar Theory, today is a good day for fishing, but you need to cross check this with the current weather forecast for a final decision. Currently we have a major fishing time. The next best fishing time will be tomorrow. The gray time indicator displays the current local time.
Tip: personalize your fishing times - sign in, setup your locations and receive free email reminders.
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Current Fishing Weather
Updating Weather Infos...
7 Day Fishing Weather
The weather plays an important role in fishing. Wind strenght and direction often determine where you can fish and where fish might be holding. Although high pressure is usually good for fishing, steep pressure changes often trigger feeding frenzies and are great times for fishing. Of course temperature has also a strong effect on fishing and comfort on the water. So make sure to cross check the weather forecast with the solunar fishing times to determine the best times to go fishing. The graph below shows you the 3 hourly weather progression over the next 7 days. Scroll the graph left or right to see more.
Selected Weather Station: Santa Cruz De Tenerife, Spain
Rain Precipitation
UV Index
Retrieving Weather...
Date Major Bite Times Minor Bite Times Sun Moon Moonphase
Sun, 23 Feb
08:15 am - 10:15 am
08:42 pm - 10:42 pm
03:13 am - 05:13 am
01:18 pm - 03:18 pm
R: 07:34 am
S: 07:02 pm
R: 04:13 am
S: 02:18 pm
moon image
Waning Crescent
Mon, 24 Feb
09:14 am - 11:14 am
09:38 pm - 11:38 pm
04:07 am - 06:07 am
02:21 pm - 04:21 pm
R: 07:33 am
S: 07:03 pm
R: 05:07 am
S: 03:21 pm
moon image
Waning Crescent
Tue, 25 Feb
10:11 am - 12:11 pm
10:32 pm - 12:32 am
04:55 am - 06:55 am
03:27 pm - 05:27 pm
R: 07:32 am
S: 07:04 pm
R: 05:55 am
S: 04:27 pm
moon image
Waning Crescent
Wed, 26 Feb
11:06 am - 01:06 pm
10:46 pm - 12:46 am
05:37 am - 07:37 am
04:35 pm - 06:35 pm
R: 07:31 am
S: 07:04 pm
R: 06:37 am
S: 05:35 pm
moon image
New Moon
Thu, 27 Feb
11:59 am - 01:59 pm
11:41 pm - 01:41 am
06:16 am - 08:16 am
05:42 pm - 07:42 pm
R: 07:30 am
S: 07:05 pm
R: 07:16 am
S: 06:42 pm
moon image
New Moon
Fri, 28 Feb
12:33 am - 02:33 am
12:50 pm - 02:50 pm
06:51 am - 08:51 am
06:50 pm - 08:50 pm
R: 07:29 am
S: 07:06 pm
R: 07:51 am
S: 07:50 pm
moon image
New Moon
Sat, 01 Mar
01:23 am - 03:23 am
01:40 pm - 03:40 pm
07:25 am - 09:25 am
07:56 pm - 09:56 pm
R: 07:28 am
S: 07:06 pm
R: 08:25 am
S: 08:56 pm
moon image
New Moon
*bold times indicate best fishing times around sunrise or sunset
At fishingreminder we don't hide behind our desk. We are crazy about fishing, just like you - so make sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel and see what we're up to. If we are not working on fishingreminder, we are out fishing. Btw. fishingreminder is totally homegrown and we use fishingreminder ourselves everytime we go fishing. We are eternally grateful for your feedback, participation and support.
We have many members from all over the world who love fishing and share their catches. Checkout some of the recent catches and show us what you got.
Latest Catches
Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a seat of a first-order administrative division in ES with an estimated population of 222417 and an average elevation of 55 meters above sea level, located in the Atlantic/Canary timezone. Santa Cruz de Tenerife is also known as:

Gorad Santa-Krus-deh-Tehnehryfeh,Sancta Crux Nivariae,Santa Cruz,Santa Cruz Tenerifekoa,Santa Cruz de Tenerife,Santa Cruz de Ténérife,Santa Krouth nte Tenerife,Santa Krus de Tenerife,Santa Kruz de Tenerife,Santa-Krus-de-Tenerife,Santakrusa de Tenerife,TCI,Tenerife,Tenerifes Santa Krusas,Teneriffa,Tenerifės Santa Krusas,santa krusa de tenarifa,santa krws,santa krws dy tynyryfa,santa krwth dy tynyryfh,santa krwz dy tynyrf,santakeuluseudetenelipe,sheng ke lu si-de te nei li fei,snth qrws dh tnryph,Σάντα Κρουθ ντε Τενερίφε,Горад Санта-Крус-дэ-Тэнэрыфэ,Санта Круз де Тенерифе,Санта Крус де Тенерифе,Санта-Крус-де-Тенерифе,Санта-Крус-де-Тенеріфе,סנטה קרוס דה טנריפה,سانتا كروث دي تينيريفه,سانتا كروس دى تينيريفا,سانتا کروز دی تینیرف,سانتا کروس,सान्ता क्रूस दे तेनरीफ़,სანტა-კრუს-დე-ტენერიფე,サンタ・クルス・デ・テネリフェ,圣克鲁斯-德特内里费,산타크루스데테네리페

Best Fishing Spots in the greater Santa Cruz de Tenerife area

Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 29 beaches and bays in this area.

Playa de Regla - 2km , Playa del Muerto - 6km , Playa de Santa Ana - 7km , Playa de las Teresitas - 8km , Playa Berruguete - 9km , Playa Cueva de Agua - 9km , Playa de la Nea - 10km , Playa de las Gaviotas - 10km , Playa del Tamadite - 11km , Playa Fajana - 11km , Playa del Llano - 11km , Playa de San Roque - 12km , Playa del Arenal - 12km , Playa de la Bodega - 12km , Playa de Almáciga - 12km , Playa El Troche - 13km , Playa de San Mateo - 13km , Playa de Benijo - 13km , Punta de Juan Bay - 14km , Playa de Antequera - 14km , Playa de Jóver - 14km , Playa de las Caletas - 14km , Playa de Ijuana - 15km , Playa de Anosma - 16km , Playa de las Arenas - 16km , Playa de Lima - 18km , Playa de la Viuda - 18km , Playa de Samarines - 18km , Playa de la Entrada - 19km

Harbours and Marinas can often times be productive fishing spots for land based fishing as their sheltered environment attracts a wide variety of bait fish. Similar to river mouths, harbour entrances are also great places to fish as lots of fish will move in and out with the rising and falling tides. There are 2 main harbours in this area.

Hafen Santa Cruz - 2km, Puerto de Candelaria - 17km

We found a total of 90 potential fishing spots nearby Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.

Hafen Santa Cruz - 2km , Playa de Regla - 2km , Punta Maragallo - 2km , Punta de Roque Manzano - 5km , Punta de la Vista - 5km , Punta del Valle de San Andrés - 6km , Puntilla Negra - 6km , La Puntilla - 6km , Punta de la Encendida - 6km , Playa del Muerto - 6km , Playa de Santa Ana - 7km , Punta Pachona - 7km , Punta de las Coloradas - 7km , Playa de las Teresitas - 8km , Playa Berruguete - 9km , Playa Cueva de Agua - 9km , Punta de los Órganos - 9km , Punta Boca Cangrejo - 9km , Punta de Guadamojete - 10km , Playa de la Nea - 10km , Punta Callao - 10km , Playa de las Gaviotas - 10km , Punta Tamadite - 11km , Playa del Tamadite - 11km , Playa Fajana - 11km , Playa del Llano - 11km , Punta del Recanto - 11km , Punta de la Estancia - 11km , Playa de San Roque - 12km , Punta Fajana - 12km , Playa del Arenal - 12km , Punta de Agua Dulce - 12km , Playa de la Bodega - 12km , Punta del Roquete - 12km , Playa de Almáciga - 12km , Punta Poyata - 12km , La Ballena - 12km , Playa El Troche - 13km , Punta del Frontón - 13km , Playa de San Mateo - 13km , Punta del Morro - 13km , Las Furnias - 13km , Puntilla del Marrero - 13km , Punta San Juan - 13km , Punta de Tierras Caídas - 13km , Playa de Benijo - 13km , Punta Hidalgo - 14km , Punta de Antequera - 14km , Punta de Juan Bay - 14km , Playa de Antequera - 14km , Playa de Jóver - 14km , Punta de Draguillo - 14km , Playa de las Caletas - 14km , Punta del Rey - 14km , Punta de la Tosquilla - 14km , Punta Gotera - 14km , Punta El Guingo - 14km , Punta Mondongo - 15km , Punta de los Roquetes - 15km , Punta del Fraile - 15km , Playa de Ijuana - 15km , Punta Bajo las Palmas - 16km , Punta del Sabinal - 16km , Punta El Horado - 16km , Playa de Anosma - 16km , Punta de Anaga - 16km , Punta de la Barranquera - 16km , Punta Chavique - 16km , El Grucho - 16km , Punta de los Lores - 16km , Playa de las Arenas - 16km , Punta Larga - 16km , Punta de la Calera - 16km , Punta Aguadulce - 17km , Puerto de Candelaria - 17km , Punta El Jurado - 17km , Punta de San Blas - 17km , Punta de la Bomba - 17km , Punta del Drago - 17km , Punta del Viento - 17km , Playa de Lima - 18km , Playa de la Viuda - 18km , Playa de Samarines - 18km , Punta de las Solinas - 18km , Punta del Guincho - 18km , Punta del Puerto - 19km , Punta del Sauzal - 19km , Playa de la Entrada - 19km , Punta de la Entrada - 19km , Punta de los Altillos - 20km

Harbours and Marinas Beaches Bays Wharfs Points,Reefs,etc
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